Understanding Your ADHD and EF Struggles

  • ADHD is a Common Condition

    ADHD is an increasingly common condition that affects adults and children of all backgrounds and intelligence levels but often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed until too late. Attentional challenges are the most common symptom of ADHD, leading to problems with focus and concentration. Attentional biases (e.g., hyperactivity) may cause a person with ADHD to have adverse reactions to certain stimuli or situations that they perceive as dangerous or stressful, which can create prolonged anxiety and depression.

  • Executive Function Impairments

    Executive function weaknesses are common in people with ADHD, ASD, or other comorbid conditions like depression or anxiety.

    Individuals with ADHD or EF impairments find it difficult to focus and accomplish work, often making them feel lethargic, unmotivated, or just not themselves.

    The prime symptoms of Executive dysfunction lead to difficulties with organization, sustaining effort, procrastination, and time management.

Your ADHD Or EF Challenges Don't Have to Hold You Back!

The interesting thing about executive functioning coaching is that it is an ever-evolving process of personal growth, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

As a foundation, I provide a supportive learning environment with compassion and non-judgment to help neurodiverse individuals like yourself overcome barriers and learn effective strategies for success.

You are in safe hands whether you’re an adult with ADHD or a parent seeking help for your child with ADHD, ASD, or other learning disabilities.

As a professional who has worked with neurodiverse individuals for years, I understand the struggles, challenges, and chronic anxiety you may experience in your everyday life.

Working with a coach like myself who understands neurodiversity will help you manage your time and behaviors to live a happier and more productive life.

What you will encounter in my coaching sessions is that I will engage with you one-on-one and spend a lot of time:

  1. Listening to your struggles

  2. Holding space to understand and empathize with you

  3. Asking powerful open-ended questions to evoke awareness and help you see the “good” within yourself

I use neuroscience techniques to help you understand more about ADHD and EF challenges and how you might be affected in your daily life. We will also spend the time identifying the strategies that will fit your needs to help you reach your goals.