Adult ADHD Coaching: Focused On You

If you're an adult with ADHD and reading this, I want you to know that it is possible to get your life back.

Many adults with ADHD or ASD are either not diagnosed or don't know they have executive functioning challenges getting in the way. This is because the symptoms of ADHD or ASD can be hidden in adulthood, and the executive functioning challenges can be mistaken for other conditions such as anxiety, depression, or lack of motivation.

By learning to manage your executive functioning symptoms, you can minimize the impact of their impairments in your everyday life.

At Elevate, I offer a personalized coaching experience and a development plan based on your unique needs.

My coaching methodology uses strength-based self-inquiry and neuroscience to help you learn how to reduce or manage symptoms of EF and the overwhelm that comes with it. The only thing I ask for is your commitment to show up for our weekly sessions and not give up, even if a part of you wants to resist the change.

During our one-on-one sessions, you will also gain valuable skills and insights on:

  1. Coping with triggers and stressors in your life,

  2. Learning about brain wiring,

  3. Understanding and acknowledging limitations,

  4. Managing relationships,

  5. Emotional regulation

  6. Sustaining focus and effort

  7. Improving time management skills and more.

As our coaching conversation unfolds, we will together begin to identify the root causes of your struggles and discover the necessary strategies and tools for you to live a more fulfilling life.

During the intake session, I will take the time to get to know you, and we will create a plan that meets your needs.

Set a date for when you want to start coaching immediately. I understand that everyone's situation is different — so we will work around your schedule.